Sunday, December 20, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Finale

Well, I did it...we all did it. We finished the race and it was one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had. As hard as the fund raising was and getting up 4 days a week at 5:00 to go to the gym/practice it was SO worth it! Thanks to my coaches, mentors, teammates, supporters and Michael for all your help and encouragement. Here's how the weekend went...

We got into Vegas around 8:30 a.m. on Saturday, the day before the race. We checked in and then headed to the Expo. The Expo had some great vendors, Team Challenge, CytoMax, Cascade Farms, Nurti Life, Kinesio, and so many more. We had a great time collecting our gear and freebies and afterwards headed back to the hotel to chill. My great friend Nathan stopped by to visit. He had come in town from Vegas to cheer on me and a few other friends! Nathan, if your reading this, you are an awesome friend!! Thanks for being there!

Saturday night was the CCFA Pasta Party. There were over 900 participants from CCFA at the party. It was cool seeing all the Team Challenge shirts at the party and at the MGM where we were all staying. We ate a delicious dinner and listened to our guest speakers while we froze our butts off in the conference center. Little did we know that the party was just a warm up or should I say cool down for what was coming the next morning. The best part of the dinner was hearing that nationwide Team Challenge had raised $3.5 million for the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation. What a win and we hadn't even started the race yet!

Sunday morning came early. We were due to meet our team in the lobby at 5:00 a.m. As we rounded the corner to the lobby all you could see was a sea of orange singlets. Nine hundred Team Challenge participants gathered in the lobby waiting to head out to the starting line and their assigned corrals. The temperature outside was a smokin' 34 degrees. We were in for a chilly start. We layered on as many dri-fit shirts, jackets, and beanies as we had and headed to the starting line.

By the time we reached the start we had probably walked 5 miles over the last 24 hours. If only we could deduct that from the 13.1 we were about to tackle. The walk to the gear check was another mile and the way back was a traffic jam of spectators and other participants trying to get to their corrals. I had to cut through the closer corrals to get to mine or else I would miss my group. Another mile down! Unbelievably, I was able to find my teammates in the sea of participants. Almost forgot to tell you that there were 17,000 participants for the 1/2 marathon and another 11,000 for the full. Not even a boat-load, but rather an ark-load of people!

So my TC friends and I joked, danced, and goofed around until we reached the starting line. It was seriously colder than a polar bears ass and goofing around was the only thing keeping us warm. What was I thinking leaving my gloves at the gear check??!! The start came and went and we were on the road. It was a long 13.1 miles peppered by running Elvis, bands, brides and grooms to be, and a whole lot of Team Challenge supporters cheering us on. We even had the pleasure of watching a drunk guy wander out on the race course only to end up being put in handcuffs and escorted to a police car.

About mile 7 my teammate and favorite party girl Amanda started having some knee problem. Call me selfish, but there was no way I was going to let her quit. We stretched out and kept moving. By mile 9 there was no turning back. We'd stop to stretch and then back on the course. I figured why stop now! Four more miles to go. Piece of cake. The supporters cheering us on totally helped push us along. At mile 13 we ran into our coach Meegan. What a site for sore eyes, quads, hamstrings, you name it!

At the turn into Mandalay Bay we had about 2 tenths of a mile left. It was not long after that I saw Nate waiting near the finish line. My final boost of encouragement! Then we saw it - the finish!! We had done it. We had just completed a 13.1 mile race. What an amazing acheivement!

I headed to the gear check, picked up my gear and met up with Amanda and Nate. We walked over to the Team Challenge team tent for some food and drink from P.F. Changs. Afterwards we headed back to the hotel to rest. We had a big night ahead of us.

Our night out consisted of dinner at Sushi Samba and partying at Lavo in the Venetian. I can always count on Nate to show me a good time! Lavo was a blast. The marathoner's from San Diego met us out and we partied and danced 'til late. About $1,000 later (thank God for the comps Nate's friend hooked us up with) we decided we had better head back to the hotel for some shut eye.

Why is check out at 11:00 a.m.? In Vegas no less? Seriously, why?!! I dragged my ass out of bed, threw my stuff in my suitcase and headed for the lobby. After meeting up with some of our teammates, Amanda and I decided to do the CSI Experience. It was cheesy, but kind of cool. After CSI we stopped for a bite to eat and then off to the airport.

That was it. The weekend that I thought would never come had come and went. It was bitter sweet. Happy that I completed the race and had such an awesome weekend. Sad that I wouldn't see my teammates at practice each Saturday morning. I know that we'll keep in touch, but I'll definitely miss the comradarie that we had going out each Saturday morning at sunrise.

Thanks to my readers for keeping up with my adventures. I hope you've enjoyed my updates and pictures. I'd like to keep up the blog with my excercise and weight loss challenges. I'm trying not to think of it as an Biggest Loser type adventure, but more like the Biggest Winner opportunity. Feel free to keep up with my new posts. Hopefully, I can be an inspiration.

Thanks again for all your support. May all of you have a blessed Christmas and an amazing New Year!

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part VII

Hi all! I know it's been a while, but it's been a busy couple of weeks. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving. I had an awesome one. Nothing like cooking at home in your p.j.'s and watching movies with your son all day. It was so relaxing!

I have two pieces of good, no actually great news!! First, thanks to Prudential Matching Gifts I made my fund raising goal. I'm so happy and a big thanks to all of you that were able to donate and have been so supportive of my run!

The second piece of good news is that my recent colonoscopy came back clear. That's right, no inflammation! The probiotic did the trick. I'm still having some pain, but I'm working with a naturopath to see if we can nip that issue in the bud too.

So the race is three days away. I can't believe that Sunday I will be standing at the starting line with professional and casual runners alike. How about the fact that we are running down the Vegas strip?! I'm SO excited!!

Well, I have to sign off for now - lots to do. I promise I will update my blog with all the info from the race when I get back on Monday. Until then, have a great weekend and thanks again for all your support!!

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part VII

What a long week! The worst thing about having Crohn's is one day you feel fine and then the next not so much.

Over the last week I've dealt with more pain than I've experienced in the past. It's sharp stabbing pain that comes and goes. I've really had to watch what I eat and drink this week since some things seem to make it worse. For example, I have suddenly developed lactose intolerance. The worst part is I have been SO tired. Most nights I've gone to bed between 8 and 9 and not woken up until 6. Also, I missed one training session and had to cut another one short, which was really hard for me to accept. I make every effort not to miss training or practice.

So, I think I'm going to call my doctor. I've been thinking about it for the last several weeks, I just have been putting it off. I'm trying to avoid having to take any kind of medication or having more tests, but I may just have to suck it up and deal.

OK, so the good news is that I finished the Phoenix New Times 10K today. It was a tough haul and at one point I seriously thought about cutting it short, but I didn't. I pushed through despite nausea and pain the last three miles.

I know, I know!! Enough whining already! Here's a few pics from the event.

I'm staying positive that this next week will be better. I'm excited to participate in the Aflac Iron Girl 3K next Sunday. My hope is that I'll do better in that race.

Well, ciao for now friends. Have a great week!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part VI

What a great couple of weeks!! The Poker Run was a blast. I didn't win any extra money, but had a great day with my family. With 16 days to go until the end of the fund raising, I'm definitely trying to stay positive. I'm over half way to my goal and I still have donations coming in. I know I can do it!

Speaking of "do it," I love Nike apparel. It all started with a little device called the Nike Sports Band and now I'm hooked. Running socks, pants, shirts and a jacket later I am beginning to build quite a Nike wardrobe. Dicks Sporting Goods has one of the best selections of gear. With the Dick's Score card and email coupons, I'm able to save a chunk of change on my purchases. Dick's is fast becoming one of my favorite stores!

You're probably wondering how the whole training is going. Well, I'm doing awesome! I completed three six mile and one nine mile workouts last week. This week it's three five mile workouts and a shorter Saturday workout with the team. Even though I've noticed a difference in the fit of my clothes, I'm finally seeing a difference on the scale. The most important part is that I feel great and have so much more energy.

A final note, a big congrats to Americans Meb Keflezighi and Ryan Hall who place 1st and 4th in the ING NYC Marathon on Sunday. This is the first time in 26 years that an American has won the marathon. What a statement for American long distance running!

Thanks to all my friends and family who have been able to donate to my cause. I'm so blessed to have your support!

Have a great week and check back soon...

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part V

Wow!! The last two weeks have gone by fast. I just turned in my recommitment paperwork, which means I'm more determined than ever to meet my fund raising goal and to complete the 1/2 marathon. I bought my plane ticket on Friday, so now all I have left to do is continue to work towards my fund raising goal of $2200. I'm almost halfway there and with Prudential matching gifts I'm just short about $400. I know I can do it!

Had a scary experience during rowing last Monday. It was our first night on the shell (previously we had been practicing on a pontoon-like barge). An eight person shell is very long, maybe 20 ft long and very narrow - no more than 2 ft. across. Not to mention, very heavy - probably around 250 lbs. The first time getting into a shell is challenging to say the least, but add 30 mph wind gust and it's almost impossible. Thirty minutes on the water and I was pretty much convinced that we would all drown in the dark on that lake. Nevertheless, we all made it out alive; a little wet but alive. Wednesday was awesome on the lake and we really seem to be getting timing, balance, etc. together. Here's a couple of pics of where we row...

Running was challenging due to some knee issues and I ended up taking a week off. The amazing thing is that when I got back on the treadmill I cut my time by 22 seconds per mile. That combined with the 20 seconds per mile I chopped of my prior week's time brought me down to a 13 minute mile. Probably doesn't seem like a big deal to a profession runner, but for not having run in like 11 years it's a huge accomplishment for me. I've dropped my time from a 17 minute mile the first week to a 13 minute mile eight weeks later.

Thanks to everyone who has been able to support me during my training and fund raising. I wouldn't be able to do this without you all!

Stay tuned and have a great week!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part IV

Time to step up the fund raising!!

First I have to say thanks to everyone that has already donated to this great cause. This is an important time for me to really get on the ball and improve my fund raising efforts. I understand it's a tough time for everyone. The CCFA is such a great cause and if you're reading this you already know someone affected by the disease. My hope is that if I ever get really sick, that by that time there will be more advances in Crohn's medications or even a cure! It's through events like Team Challenge and the Rock-n-Roll 1/2 marathon that the CCFA will one day be able to find a cure.

Training is going really good. I'm running SO much more and getting faster with each workout. I know that in a short time I will be able to run 4 miles without stopping. To further motivate, I have signed up for five challenges through I'm participating in the Nike Human Race 10K, the Ambassadors Challenge, the 100 Mile Challenge, Nike T-shirt Challenge, and the Nike Shoe Challenge. Whew! That's a lot of challenges, huh! Some are easy, like the t-shirt challenge and some not so easy, like the 10K. I've already clocked 51 miles, so I figure I'll finish the 100 mile challenge in a few weeks. Yay! How awesome is that?! Who would have thought that this self-proclaimed "couch potato" would ever complete a 100 miles?! Crazy!!

OK, I'm finished patting myself on the back. Hey, if you don't toot your own horn who will?? I hope everyone is doing great. I appreciate all of your support and words of encouragement. Have an awesome week!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part III

What a great week!

Hope everyone has enjoyed my updates and thanks for stopping by. This has been an awesome week. Rowing is kicking our butts. We spend almost the entire two hours on the lake rowing. I'm talking straight rowing with a few breaks here and there. After my morning workouts and then the rowing class in the evening, I head straight to bed. It's exhausting...but AWESOME!! I'm going to try to take some pics this week to post on my next blog update.

Training is going really good. I've been able to keep up with the schedule and keep my time down. I had a little loss on my time Saturday but it was worth it. I have met a great gal on my team and we use our Saturday practices for catching up and offering advice to each other. We keep each other motivated throughout the week via text -- she's great! So, that kind of explains the slower time on Saturday. We were both wiped after the week and choose to take it a little easier with that practice. We all deserve a break once in a while, right?!!

I'm getting very excited about an up coming fund raising event. Stay tuned for more info about this event.

For all my friends and family that are planning to donate, please try to get your donations in by Oct. 19th if possible. Not to rush you, but since I have to recommit on that date, it's important for me to have an idea of how much more I need to raise by Nov. 19th. If you work for Pru, let me know you donated and I will provide a pre-filled matching gifts form for you to submit to corporate.

Thanks everyone for all your support! I am blessed to have such great friends and family!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part II

It's the start of week five and I'm so excited. Week four went great - I put in 18 miles which was such a milestone! I went from being totally sedentary to logging twelve plus miles a week. After all the months of feeling sick and going from one prescription to the next I can't believe I have made such progress in just four weeks.

Oh, I had to post these pics. At Granada Park where we have our team practices there are a number of geese. Well these geese were intent on being part of the group coaching session...

The greatest part of my week was rowing class. I'm not sure if anyone else has taken rowing, but it is so fun! We didn't get out on the lake, but did get on a boat at the dock for rowing practice. On Monday we will take the boat out and I can't wait. Who knows, maybe if I continue to love it as much as I do now I'll end up joining a team.

Fund raising isn't going as well as I had hoped for. Our recommit date is mid-October and then November 19th is when they charge my credit card for what ever amount is uncollected. I've not given up faith that I will make my goal and then some! If you plan to donate, please try to get your donation in before the 19th of Nov. and if you work for Pru I will provide a pre-filled matching gifts form for you to submit. Just remember to print a copy of your receipt if you donate online.

One more thing...if any of my friends/family are interested in going to Vegas to cheer me on I can get you an AMAZING deal on a room at the MGM Grand!! Let me know and I will make sure to get you the info.

Wishing everyone a great week!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Training/Fundraising Update - Part I

So I'm starting my fourth week of training. I have a preset schedule that consists of somewhat heavy training Monday through Wednesday, off Thursday, light training Friday, team training on Saturday, and Sunday off. I've been doing a short walk/run and weights on Thursday and Sunday and starting Monday I have rowing classes twice a week.

So how am I doing?

Awesome!! In the last week I have decreased my time by two minutes. I'm not running much, but that will take some time. My lungs are not conditioned yet. Anyhow, I went from a 17 minute mile to a 15 minute mile. Once I add more running, my time will get much better. A two minute improvement in a week seems huge, so I'm pretty happy.

As far as fund raising, I have received three donations so far. I've only sent out emails via Facebook, so once I start my letter writing and other emails the donations should really pick up. I will be holding a fund raising event in early October at Nello's Pizza in Scottsdale. I owe my sis and her fiance a big thanks for helping me with this. Stay tuned for more updates and details on the event.

So that's it -- my first post. Check back for more updates and pictures of training. Thanks so much for all your support!!

Why I Am Doing This...

As some of you may know, I was diagnosed in March with what doctors believe to be the early stages of Crohn's disease. The initial upper and lower scopes found lesions and a lot of inflammation in my stomach as well as cellular changes in the colon. In the last ten months I've been to three different Gastroenterologist (GI) and on six different medications. I have recently found a great GI who, thankfully took me off all meds. I started on a probiotic and began to feel better. I recently had an upper scope that came back clear -- no more lesions and very little inflammation. Yay!!

I have a great friend, Jared that also has Crohn's. He has been living with the disease for the last five years and just recently had to have major surgery involving his intestine. Because of this I have chosen to compete in the 1/2 marathon in his honor.

It was through my friendship with Jared and my own Crohn's diagnosis that I became involved with the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation of America (CCFA). I participated in the Take Steps walk in the spring and look forward to Team Challenge in December.

So you maybe wondering...

What is Crohn's Disease and Ulcerative Colitis?

Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are painful, unpredictable diseases that attack the digestive system. Crohn's disease may attack anywhere from the mouth to the anus, while ulcerative colitis inflames only the large intestine (colon). Symptoms may include abdominal pain, persistent diarrhea, rectal bleeding, fever and weight loss. Many patients require hospitalization and surgery. These illnesses can cause severe complications, including colon cancer in patients with long-term disease. Some 1.4 million American adults and children suffer from Crohn's disease or ulcerative colitis, with as many as 150,000 under the age of 18. Most people develop the diseases between the ages of 15 and 35.

If I donate to your run, where does the money go?

The funds I raise through Crohn’s & Colitis Team Challenge directly benefit the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation and support its mission to find cures for Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis, and to improve the quality of life of children and adults affected by these diseases. The Foundation ranks third among leading health non-profits in the percentage of expense devoted to research toward a cure, and more than 83 cents of every dollar the Foundation spends goes to mission-critical programs. The Foundation consistently meets the standards of organizations that monitor charities, including the Better Business Bureau's Wise Giving Alliance ( and the American Institute of Philanthropy (

This is such a great cause and more and more people are being affected by these and other autoimmune diseases. Please help my cause by donating what you can. Any amount can make a difference for someone suffering from Crohn's and Colitis.